

Life's essentials with Sam Wells

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Feb 10, 2023

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Meet one of the newest additions to our design team, Sam Wells. Joining as our product development lead, he comes with a range of experience working in industries such as home appliances, digital visual effects, and even high-end boutique furniture. With such an interesting background we thought that this was the perfect time to take a different angle with our team spotlights.


This time around we wanted to learn a bit more about what really makes Sam tick, so we came to him with two simple questions. Read his answers below:

What are five essential everyday items you can’t live without?


1) An endless supply of plain black t-shirts


These are a must in my life. Staple tees, box tees, or cotton tees. Rain, hail or shine, you’ll find me in one of these.


2) Chilli oil


I’m a big fan of spice and it turns out the best match for any meal is chilli oil. In my opinion at least.


3) Cold natural wine


As much as I said chilli oil is the perfect match for any meal, a cold natural wine on a hot day is a close second. You just can’t beat it.


4) Bic and Muji fine-tip pens


I’m not always very picky, but when it comes to pens I most definitely am. Must be my inner designer talking. These ones are best tools for the tradethe finest tip, ink flow, and zero smudge. I need a safe stash of these everywhere I go.


5) To-do lists


Always a great way to keep an eye on what you need to do throughout the busy working week. These lists are littered through my life forever incomplete but a comfort for me.

What are the five albums that keep you sane?


1) Steely Dan – Aja

This is an absolute classic for me. I would go as far as to saying that I could have this on repeat all the time and I wouldn’t be mad about it.


2) Anderson Paak – Malibu


Another album that I have listened to many times. I can pretty much say the same thing as I’ve said above. This is jsut great music that I will always love.


3) Fat Freddy’s Drop – B.O.A.T.S


For some reason this album is always on when I am near a beach and I feel like it fits that ambience very well.


4) Kanye West – Dark Twisted Fantasy


This album came out in 2010 so just after I finished high school. Kanye has some big tracks he has created but the memories I have associated with this make it unforgettable. I’m sure everyone knows a few songs from the tracklist.


5) Sub Focus – Torus


We all need a bit of hype in our lives and this album is that for me. When I need to get some stuff done, this will be blasting out to help me.

Australia, Country

Feb 10, 2023

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